Summer 2012


Now it's home!

Ok, not that having the animal mounts somewhere else really made me not feel at home, but they look so nice now that they are up.  Kevin will have the deer he got a few weeks ago mounted and it will be all the way to the right.  I think it really makes the entryway look nice.  Those walls were so bare.

Visitors for Lunch

While we were getting some lunch together yesterday Sarah spotted this little visitor on the fence in the back yard.  There was also a red cardinal but he flew away before she could get the camera.


Casual Learning

Jake conned Sarah into stacking 2 bean bags last week so he could read his books up top while we had our class time.  What a goof!


A New Twist On A Classic

The kids have been watching tons of Christmas movies lately.  There are the many we own plus the fact that we have a free month of the Hallmark Channel which has Christmas movies on all day all month.  We have watched the new Jim Carey version of A Christmas Carol as well as the Muppet version, a generic cartoon version, a musical version featuring Kelsey Grammar and others.  Yesterday Jake was going through the house saying "OH, Brown Hound dog."  I could not figure out what he was talking about or where he got that.  Then yet another version came on when I was looking for something for him to watch while I made dinner and he said "Mom, Oh Brown Hound Dog is on!"  OK, he should be saying "Bah Humbug!"  Kids are so cute at 4 years-old.


Yeah Daddy!

Kevin finally took a day for himself!  He went out deer hunting on Monday & got a very nice buck.  Even though a few of the antlers are snapped off  it is still a very nice one & will be added to our wall.

The Reeves Home & Museum Field Trip

Monday we had a local field trip to the J L Reeves Home & Museum.  It was very interesting, especially with the local bits of history and the fact that we had a good friend as our tour guide.  It is a very open home with no ropes protecting priceless, irreplaceable items.  I was a bit nervous with 13 kids in our group.  They all did very well, paying attention.  We even got out without anything sat on, knocked over, touched or broken.  It was a nice visit with friends and family.