Summer 2012


Happy Birthday Jake!

I know I am behind, but here are the pictures from Jake's 5th Birthday Party.  Before the festivities we had a little hot dog roast in the back yard with our cousin Briam.  The all had lots of hots dogs and smores.  He had a great party with all of his family and friends.  Thanks to everyone who came and for the gifts he received.

We thought We Heard Something........

During that big storm last night Kevin & I thought we heard something.  We couldn't figure out what it was and just tried to get back to sleep.  This morning Sarah showed us what we heard!  Since it was outside her window she heard it more clearly and saw it last night.  It was quite a storm!  It will be some work to clear it but it means more firewood for next winter.


Kindergarten, here we come!

Jake has been enrolled in Kindergarten.  We have chosen the half day program and he should be getting his computer and materials some time in July.  He is very excited to be part of all that he has been watching for this year with Sarah and Alex.