Summer 2012


The Wedding Cake

I decided to give it a try and do my first wedding cake for my cousins wedding.  I picked a very simple design, did the research of how to stack and decorate it, baked for an entire day & frosted the following day.  What I didn't factor in was a heat wave with record humidity.  Unfortunately the bottom layer gave way in transport so I had to do some repair work at the reception site.  They were happy with it and I guess that is all that matters.

All the cakes & cupcakes

The cupcakes in their fancy liners and ready to eat.

The finished cake, before the heat got to it!

The cake after its alteration.

Han Solo & Princess Leia, it was a Star Wars theme wedding.

The cake table with all the cupcakes.


Year-End Grades

Well, the grade cards have been received and the results are.......... All A's for both Sarah and Alex.  I am so proud of the both, they worked hard for it.  Alex also received the Head of School Award for Academic Excellence.  Great Job Alex.  Every time the UPS truck pulls in the driveway or even drives up the road Jake gets all excited that his computer has arrived.  Sorry buddy, not for another few weeks.  I cannot believe that 2 months from now we will be back at school everyday!  The summer goes way too quickly.

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

For Grandpas birthday this year he wanted to go mini-golfing then have a picnic at Aunt Kerry's camper. Here are the pictures of golfing. We all had lots of fun & Jake even got a hole-in-one!  His method was unconventional to say the least, but it worked for him!

Sarah donates her hair

Sarah decided this spring that she was tired of her long hair and wanted to donate it to Wigs For Kids.  We chose this organization over Locks of Love because Wigs For Kids does not charge the families for the wigs they make.  I am SO very proud of her for doing this.

Before, wow, look at all that hair!

Getting shampooed
All the 14" she was able to donate

After, so much easier to care for.

Hale Farm & Village Field Trip

Our school, OHVA arranged a trip to Hale Farm & Village in Bath, OH.  It is a really nice trip back in time and although we didn't get to see everything we had a great time with out friends and plan to go back soon.

The Hale home

As a little girl I always said I was going to get married in this church

The schoolhouse, how far we've come

Alex has a chat with the shop keeper in the general store

Cleaning the pool....

Well, early in May I decided to get busy on the pool.  It took alot of scrubbing, mostly by my good friend Trudi, but we got it drained out, scrubbed up and refilled.  It took 2 different types of filter systems, 100 pounds of filter sand and media, alot of chlorine and about 3 weeks but it finally came out awesome.  It has been pretty cold since it does not get alot of hot sun time.  The kids seem undeterred by the cold, swimming all the time.

Last summer when we moved in

Trudi & I scrubbing it out

The finished product!!!

Happy Birthday Alex!

OK, so I know I am 2 months behind but since school is out I am on the computer less and less. 

Alex had a great 9th Birthday Party. He wanted everyone to come over for a campfire hot dog roast so we did & everyone had fun.  It was a beautiful day and he was very happy and excited with the gifts he received

The Darth Vader Cake

Jaden watches as he blows out the candles.