Summer 2012


Well, it is officially the school year already.  We had a great summer but now it is time to get back in the swing of learning.  It is now 3:30 and I think we are almost done for the day.  WHEW, adding Jake into the day sure changes the dynamic of the day.  I dont know how families of more than 3 kids do it.  Here are the kids "First Day of School" pictures.  I cant wait to see how they will change by the "Last Day of School" picture.

Sarah is ready to tackle math!

Alex jumps right into math as well.

Jake just wants to do something, anything!


Quote of the day.......

Recently while at the local YMCA I saw this quote....

"God gave us two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we talk."

Good advice for all of us to remember.


Jake Goes Fishing

Earlier this summer Jake stayed overnight at Aunt Kerry's camper.  They had Cars the Movie gummies for breakfast and then went fishing.  Jake caught this fish though when he told the story it was much larger.  As wide as his hands could stretch actually.