Summer 2012


New Elmers Products!

If you didn't already know, I am a Buzz Agent.  This is a "word-of-mouth" advertising company.  I get a notice of current campaigns that I may be interested in and then sign up for those I am interested in.  I have gotten to try out lots of really great products this way.  I recently signed on for the Elmer's Crafters' Campaign.  This is a new product line of adhesives, cutting tools, etc. for the home crafter and school projects.  Being a homeschool family we have really enjoyed trying out these products and sharing with our homeschool friends.  Here is a picture of just some of the new products out there.  Try them, I am sure you will love them as much as we have.  I especially like the glue pen & glue spots.  No more messy glue running down the latest masterpiece the kids have created.

If you are interested in joining Buzz Agent, let me know so I can send you a referral.

Complete Product Line.


Fall Pictures

 My wonderful neighbor took these pictures of the kids on Sunday.  It was such a beautiful day & they came out great!

 What can I say?  Jake just loves to dig in the dirt.


Birthday Cake

Poor Kevin!  He wasn't sure what to do yesterday.  I had been telling him that I did NOT want to be 40.  I know that I will be, whether I want to or not.  He was afraid if he did something & I just wanted to forget the day it would not be pleasant.  But then he also thought, "Well, if I don't do anything, she may just get upset too."  He brought home this adorable ice cream cake, figuring even if I was upset, the ice cream would make it better.  I do so love my husband!


My 40th Birthday Present

Since I really do not need anything I asked if my family and a friend could come and help me to clean out a planting bed that is on a bank behind the pool.  Every time I looked out the kitchen window, all I saw was the mess it had become from neglect.  The kids and I had done a small section over the summer but I was just such a big project I felt overwhelmed.  They all dug in and it looks amazing!  I still have a little clean-up to do, well actually Kevin does since most of it is heavy tree roots.  I have gotten some perennial starts that we put in as well.  I cant wait to get more in and see how it shapes up next year.  There were plants in there I didn't even see because the ground cover that was planted in there had completely covered them up & nearly choked them out!

Before, when we first looked at the house in May.

After all our work.

This boulder had a garden pond form shoved underneath it.  The kids helped me dig it out a few weeks ago.

The boys help Aunt Kerry pull out the out-of-control ground cover
Jake loves the swing in the tree in back.

Lauren enjoys her Smore cooked over the fire where we also had hot dogs for lunch.

Jake was talking Grandmas ear off while she worked. 

Beautiful Sunsets

One weekend recently we were over at Kevin's parents cutting wood for the winter.  As we finished up I looked to see the sky the most beautiful pink I'd ever seen.  The pictures really don't do it justice.

Oh yes, and Jake got to ride on Grandpa's big tractor with Daddy.

Schoenbrunn Village

The Smithsonian Institute recently sponsored a Free Museum Day.  It included Museums of all different types, all over the country.  We were lucky enough to have one of the participating Museums just a few miles from our home, Schoenbrunn Village.  This is a Moravian Missionary village founded in 1772.  The kids had a great time since Grandma Couchey was able to come with us.

They had to get a picture of me at the desk of the one room school house.

Wolf Timbers

Last month for a school field trip we went to Wolf Timbers in Bolivar.  It is a Federal Wolf Reserve and Conservation Center.  I have know it was there since moving to Zoarville 12 years ago but never went to check it out.  We all had a great time & the man giving the talk was very knowledgeable.  The wolves were so beautiful and we got a real close up view.  The kids even got to toss them some apples for a treat.