Summer 2012


Lunch at the Old Dock

There is a great little restaurant in Essex, NY called the Old Dock.  We went there for a seafood lunch almost every year we were in New York.  There are stories of my mom having an all you can eat shrimp dinner there while pregnant with me, it seems she pushed the "all you can eat" a bit too far & the staff was a bit upset.  It has had lots of owners over the years, been under water many times & the place we had Grammie's 80th birthday celebration.  I wanted the kids to have the experience as well.  They enjoyed sitting outside & watching the ferry come and go even if it was very windy.  Afterward was a very nice memorial for Uncle Sid.  After that was ice cream at the little shop in Essex & playing at the park.

The traditional "picture spot"
The ferry to Vermont comes & goes while we ate.

The view of Vermont from our table

Our Trip To Upstate New York, June 2012

Last June we made a trip to Upstate New York.  My father's family is from the area & it is where we spend nearly every summer of my childhood.  Two of my most memorable, wonderful summers were spend up there with my Grandmother & Aunt.  Unfortunately we were traveling to the funeral of my grandfathers cousin but we decided it may be one of the few opportunities for the kids to see "up north."  It was a wonderful time, though made me miss Grammie.

Bright & early, ready to go!

Alex is thrilled when he hears we are stopping for donuts on the way out!

The "camp" where we stayed.  Lots of memories, for many generations, include this home.
Twixtwood, a little cabin behind where we stayed.  My sister & I played there with cousins as little girls.
The view of Split Rock on Lake Champlain

The view from Don & Ronnie's porch,  Lake Champlain with Vermont in the background.

Sarah checks out the "beach" & is desappointed not to find sand.

Jake was just going to "look at the rocks" & ended up falling in the water. 

Well since Jake got wet, Alex had to as well!

Jake is really enjoying the slippery algea on the rocks, ICK!

Well, now that the boys are in the water, Sarah has to go get one of Georgenas old swimsuits & join in.

Jake & Aunt Ronnie search for cool rocks

Grandpa hears about the fun & brings luch down for a picnic at the beach & a dip in the water.


The USS Cod, Cleveland Ohio

In May 2012 we took a trip up to Cleveland with Grandma & Grandpa Couchey.  We went to the Science Center as part of a field trip for OHVA and then went to see the USS Cod.  It was very interesting, though a bit tricky at times to maneuver through.

Standing in front of the propeller

Gotta have those uniforms pressed, even on a submarine!

Tight quarters!

Captains office

Alex gets the bottom bunk

Jake takes a break in the sick bay

Sarah is going to work on cooking dinner.

Radio room

Dining room, they ate in shifts

The laundry!

Jake & Alex plan their attack.

Happy 10th Birthday Alex

I know, it has been a long time but it has been brought to my attention that I have been lax in posting our goings-on here. 

Alex turned 10 in May 2012.  He didn't want a cake this year, he wanted an ice cream bar.  We had lots of toppings and it was a big hit.  Everyone enjoyed something different.