Summer 2012


A Trip to the Hospital.....Already!?!

OK, so I knew that moving to a place with lots of big rocks and a paved-hilled driveway would result in a trip to the hospital or stat care eventually. I did not think it would be less than a week after we moved in. Sarah was riding her bike on July 2nd, turned too fast and lost control. When she went down the end of the handlebar went into her shoulder. The kids were hollering and carrying on for a while so as I made dinner I didn't think too much of the noise. After all, this is one of the reasons we moved out here, so they could run around & yell. Then after a few seconds I realized that the sound I was hearing was screaming, not hollering! I went to see what had happened, trying to assess as quickly as possible where all three of the kids were. Alex came out of the bathroom asking what all the screaming was about. OK, it isn't him. It was then Sarah blew into the house, still screaming, trying to tell me what happened. She was so upset I could not understand what she was saying. I kept asking where Jake was & she just kept saying we have to go to the hospital. At this point I am not sure who is hurt, but obviously it is bad if Sarah is this hysterical. About then I see Jake cheerfully riding his little tractor across the driveway so I have deduced that it is Sarah. After a few minutes I get her calmed down enough to find out what happened & tell the boys to get in the car. Kevin pulled in just as we were leaving so I filled him in and he kept the boys here.
When we got to stat care they took an x-ray and confirmed what she & I thought, a fractured clavicle (collar bone). She has a sling to take the weight off and I have to track down the brace for this type of fracture today as everyone was closed all weekend and Monday. She is doing well and the pain seems to be tolerable, though she really wants to do all the things a kid should in the summer time. I am sure that this is only the beginning of the "fun" of living out here. That's OK though, we are loving it already, even with the challenges we have had to deal with.
Since then she is doing well and we go to the doctor for a check-up on the 20th.  She is hoping to be rid of the brace after that but we will see.

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