Summer 2012


Jake Gets His First Cast!

We had an exciting first day of spring break.  I was in the basement sewing and Jake had gone upstairs.  When he came back down to see me I heard crash, bang boom then screaming.  I ran to the steps and he was at the bottom of the steps by the front door crying about his ankle.  When I looked, it was in a very weird position & he could not put any weight on it.  I decided it was time to go to the Emergency Room so off we went.  After 3 hours there I was told it is "probably a fracture" but I should see the orthopaedic doctor the next day.  So, Tuesday we saw Dr Teater who told us that there is likely a hairline fracture based on his evaluation.  At this age it is very hard to see on an x-ray.  He recommended a cast to make sure Jake's leg is immobilized and he cannot do any further damage while it heals.  He has a boot to go over the cast so that he can walk when he feels up to it and does not slip on the kitchen & basement floors.  Thanks doc for saving us another ER visit!

Jake did very well with the whole thing & walked a little but this morning.  If it hurts he is supposed to put it up & he is good about doing that.  Oh, never a dull moment in this house!  Happy Birthday Jake!  He will be 6 on Friday.

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