Summer 2012


What IS that noise?????

It's 1:30 in the morning.  I suffer from insomnia most nights and I must have just fallen asleep, the last time I remember seeing on the clock was 12:45 a.m.  I awaken to a strange sound and struggle to make sure I am really awake and not dreaming.  There is this loud animal sound that I quickly realize is not outside but somewhere in the kitchen or living room!  I have no idea whether it is something that can wait till morning or a furry pest that we do not want running amok in the house.  We have had squirrels fall down our chimney is the past and that didnt end well.  I knew the sound was not another mouse, as I caught one of those Sunday night.  I heard it bouncing around the basement on a glue trap and collected it and the trap in a shoebox for Kevin to dispose of in the morning.  I actually left it on the washing machine with a note.  He loved that! Not being up on all the sounds the wildlife in Ohio make I decided to wake Kevin. 

As you can imagine he was not happy with this choice.  I assured him I was awake and to listen for a moment and he would hear it too.  Grumbling, he got out of bed and grabbed the flashlight.  He looked around for a few minutes and returned to bed declaring "it's just a tree frog, good luck finding it."  How it got into the house I will never know.  It finally quieted down and we both eventually fell back asleep.....until 4:30 a.m. when it woke us up again!  Kevin got upto get ready for work, not really having time to look for very long for the little bugger.  I got up a bit later and cautiously went into the kitchen.  Not finding anything I told the boys to get some breakfast and Alex was to finishing loading the dishwasher.  I went to brush my teeth only to be interrupted by Alex yelling "MOM, I FOUND THE FROG! IT'S IN THE SINK."   I got the little pest scooped up and tossed him out the back door, only to find that the raccoons have gotten into a bucket of aluminum cans that should have been taken out to the shed.  Ah, country living.  It's OK, I wouldn't change it for anything.  I love our "new" home.

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