Summer 2012


Anxious, Apprehensive and Unable To Sleep.

Well, it is 11:47 P.M. on the eve of my first day as "teacher."  I admit I am excited to actually start using all these great materials, a bit nervous about how to juggle it all and tired beyond belief.  Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention and had WAY too much sweet tea to drink today so sleep is not likely for awhile, even though I really should be in dreamland by now.  Grandpa and Grandma brought the kids new desks today.  They helped me get everything set back up and Sarah and Alex are now separated into different sides of the room.  It looks really nice and now they have much more space to work. 

I have gone into the Online School and made sure I have checked off all the "Advanced Prep" needed for the days to come.  Still, I worry.  I cannot help it, I am genetically programed to worry.  Will I be able to juggle educating 2 kids as well as keep a 4 year-old occupied, entertained and hopefully a bit of education there too?  When will I get the lawn mowed, house cleaned, laundry done, get to the 4-H meetings, etc?  How are they going to deal with me as the teacher as well as Mom?  How am I ever going to prepare for Jake's Sunday School lessons or have time to make it to Wednesday night class?  Will we ever eat dinner at a reasonable hour?  Kevin brought home a ton of lunch meat & cheese on Saturday.  He thought it might help take some of the stress off if we just had subs for dinner.  I am blessed with a wonderful, thoughtful husband.  He may regret it when we have subs for dinner all week! :0)

I have joined a Yahoo! Group for families enrolled in Ohio Virtual Academy (OHVA) and that has been very helpful.  They are all very supportive and always ready to offer tips & suggestions.  K12, the curriculum we are using, has their own private version of Facebook called the "Parents Lounge."  There are families from all over the world using K12 there to support, connect and interact.  That has been a great resource for help as well.  I have also picked the brain of a traditional homeschooler and Sister in the church.  She had some wonderful advise and helpful ideas borne of her experience.  I am sure it wont be long before I am leaning on my sister-in-law for ideas and help too.

I am in no way doubting my decision to make this change.  I am confident in that at least.  I am tired of sending them off to let others influence, bully, tease & intimidate them while no one does anything about it.  My kids are very bright, they have that advantage.  Otherwise I think they would be far behind in the education they have thus far received at the local public school.  Add to all this internet connection problems, not having sold our old house, a bum knee and feeling like I am coming down with a cold......and you have one very frustrated Mom.

Well, this frustrated,worried, anxious, apprehensive Mom is finally going to try to get some sleep.  I am sure that I will look back at this in the days, weeks and months to come and think....."What was I so worried about."

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