Summer 2012


School Time Again, but with a change!

After continued disappointment with our local school district, we have decided to begin homeschooling our kids through Ohio Virtual Academy which uses the K12 curriculum. There was alot of research, praying and thoughtful consideration put into this change and we both feel it is best for our family. We have received an amazing amount of support from the Academy Staff as well as the staff at K12. I will be attending a New Parent Orientation later this month and I am really excited to see in more detail what our days will be like.  We have been provided all the materials, computers and printers at no cost.  It is all paid for by our taxes like the local school district receives.  This is an online public school and they are required to take all the same tests as a traditional school.  There is a teacher assigned to our home and the lessons are taught by the K12 staff online.  I am here to make sure they are staying on task, not fooling around as well as answer questions and help out with homework like I would if they were attending a traditional public school.

Our day will start at 8:00 a.m. and once we get set into a schedule that works for us they can be done by noon!  They can even work ahead and have a day off each week.  I was concerned that there would be some resistance to this change but they are really excited.  Even Jake will do some preschool lessons.

I took some pics of our "classroom" to share.


Their workstations.  Each computer has headphones & a microphone so that they can communicate with their teacher.

Alex's textbooks for the first Semester.

Alex's workbooks for the year.

Sarah's textbooks and workbooks!

My Teacher manuals if I need to refer to them after the teachers have left for the day.
Jake's station.  He has a preschool workbook, coloring books and other fun stuff to help keep him occupied.

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