Summer 2012


Whatever you do, DON'T laugh

Last night, for the umpteenth time since moving into the new house, I went in to tell the boys to settle down, turn the light back off and go to sleep.  The sight I beheld when I opened the door was this...... Jake standing in the middle of the room wearing nothing but Mr. Incredible underpants with 2 Nerf guns tucked in the waistband and coming out the leg holes.  As I stood there speechless, trying desperately not to laugh, he proceeded to pull them out and raise both hands in the air and ask me "WHAT?!?" as if he had absolutely no idea why I was back in their room a mere minutes after I had just been there.  It took everything I had in me not to laugh hysterically.  I have found that laughing while disciplining kids really is not every effective.  If only I had the camera in hand.

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