Summer 2012


One week down, how many to go?

We are finishing up our first week.  All said and done I am happy with our decision to do this and the curriculum that was chosen.  Have we had some stressful moments? Yes. Has there been some whining and crying?  Yes.  But we have made it through the first week and still are able to look at one another without crying.
  • Sarahs teacher has changed her to a different math book since having been in a traditional school and not been very strong in the subject.  This way she will be back up to speed next year. 
  • Alex continues to whine, resist and daydream.  This too shall pass as he finally realizes he has to pay attention and do the work if he wants to go outside, play the Wii, etc.
  • Jake is still pestering both of them.  One day I am sure he will stop.  Maybe when I am able to catch my breath enough to work in a little preschool with him.
  • I am able to teach Science one semester and History the other instead of doing both at the same time, alternating days.  Better for them to follow along & easier on me.

I actually had a moment last night when I realized I was smiling.  As I thought about why this was I realized that I am a homeschool mom, my kids are doing well and  I haven't pulled my hair out yet.  Each day gets better.  They even hunkered down yesterday and got their work completed by lunchtime and were able to go outside for the afternoon!

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